
The God of the Bible (Lesson 1)

Who is Jesus Christ?

Well in this series we're gonna be taking a look at very important questions. It's gonna be a series of lessons on who is Jesus Christ, who is Jesus Christ. The Christianity has been around for thousands of years. yet so many do not know who Jesus Christ is. My prayer and my aim as we go through these brief series of lessons is you would know him, that you would believe in him and the redemption that's in Christ Jesus and the redemption that can only be found in Jesus Christ. But we're gonna be tackling and going after, answering a very important question. And there is no more important question than asking who is Jesus Christ? How do you respond to Jesus Christ determines your eternal destiny. Those who wrongly answer will face divine eternal judgment and those who believe in him and his cross eternal life.

Yet who is he the skeptics and false teachings about Jesus Christ. They stretch far and wide and for instance has been said and taught that Jesus is merely a creature, simply a man a created being. Ancients suggest he was just one of many divine gods, many of divine entities. Some chalk up Jesus to be a mere moral teacher, a social activists of sorts or at best a benevolent prophet, an inspirational teacher. Yet Jesus Christ is much more than all of those things as we'll see as we get into the scriptures and as the word of God, the Bible declares Jesus was and is no mere man. He is the eternal second member of the Godhead, the triune God of the Bible. He is worthy of our worship, he's worthy of our service, he is worthy of our our lives. In this lesson, lesson number one, I wanna first provide us with a glimpse of the result of these series of of lessons.

What is gonna be the result of the series of these lessons, looking at who Jesus Christ is. So I wanna first give us a glimpse of that. And secondarily, if Jesus is God the second member of the triune Godhead, then we must start with who is the God of the Bible Who is God and more specifically who is the God of the Bible So let's get into it. The first thing I want to cover and give a glimpse of again, is who is Jesus Christ We're gonna turn in our Bibles to Hebrews chapter one, Hebrews chapter one, and we're gonna specifically take note of verses one through four. Hebrews chapter one and verses one through four, the writer writes, God, who at sun, dry times and in diverse manners speak and time passed unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, whom he has a pointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds who being the rightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high being made so much better than the angels.

As heath my inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. These four verses are packed with describing who is the son of God, who is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is appointed heir of all things. We see that there in verse two. By him, were the world's made by him Was the world made He is the brightness of God's glory. He is the express image of his person. And that's something to keep in mind as we go throughout this lesson. He upholds all things by the word of his power by himself. He purged our sins. He's at the right hand of God, he's better than angels

And he therefore upholds again all things by the word of his power. And he has obtained an inheritance in a name more excellent than they. There's no other book that will portray Jesus Christ as such, not just the mere prophet, not just the mere man, but as the son of God who's the express image of God's person was the brightness of his glory, whom is appointed heir of all things. Having it received an inheritance far above all that we could fathom and we can think. Look at another text with me, Colossians Colossians, chapter two, Colossians chapter two And we are gonna look at verse nine.

Now this is just one verse that we're gonna be examining, but Colossians chapter two and verse nine in the previous verse, he describes to be aware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not of Christ. And then he says in verse nine, for in him that's in Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead. What's that last word Bodily. Bodily in body form the express image of his person dwells all the fullness of the Godhead. That means that Jesus Christ is God. One more before we move on to the second part of our study. John chapter one, John's gospel. The gospel counts the last gospel count John and the very first chapter, and we're gonna look at verse one will in fact in lessons that come, come back to this text.

But John in chapter one, if you will, look at verse one with me. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made leave. Verse four in him was life and the life was the light of men. What we find here in John's gospel and what he connects Jesus Christ with, as you can go on to describe, in fact if you come down to verse 17, you can see that he's talking about Jesus. Verse 17 of chapter one, for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. No man has seen God at any time. The only begotten of the Son, which is in the bosom of the Father.

He hath declared him. The implication is he has seen him and he declared him. And he going back to verse one was in the beginning that means prior to the beginning he was there. He was there in eternity past and therefore he is God. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God. He was face-to-face, he had relationship with God and the word was God. So not only was he with God, but he is, he was God. The same was in the beginning with God. And there you have a verse of emphasis. And so we see, just at first glance, we get a glimpse just by these three texts of what the scripture declares and proclaims Jesus Christ to be that he is God and he's appointed to be heir of all things. He's the brightness of God's glories, the express image of his person.

And in the Bible is the only book that's gonna declare him as such. And it stands in direct contrast to the skeptics and the false teaching of Jesus Christ that is out there and run runs rampant today. And so I hope and pray again as we go through this, that you get to clear insight and understanding of just who is Jesus Christ. If you want a beginner lesson about who Jesus Christ is, that's what these lessons serve to do. So let's look at the second thing in this lesson that is, who is the God of the Bible If Jesus is God, then we must ask a more fundamental question. Who is the God of the Bible This is where we need to start. And what we're gonna see is that when we ask this question, not only who is God, but who specifically is God of the Bible, there are many holy books out there.

There are many religions who portray and reveal different gods and they're not the God of the Bible. In fact, oftentimes throughout those holy books and those different religion, they're different gods. And so we are posing the question, who is the God of the Bible And therefore who is Jesus Christ In view of that, I wanna briefly examine six features, six features or characteristics that provide a framework of the God of the Bible. We wanna first make note that God is not like man, that's not my first feature, but it goes partly into my first feature. God is not like man, if God were that which we could conjure up in our minds, he would be our idol and simply a figure of our imagination. It's not a very great God and not a very almighty, majestic, glorious holy God. Thus pursuing, knowing God is not only wor a, a worthy venture, but it's an eternal one job In chapter 11, verse seven through eight, we don't need to turn there, but he says, can't thou, this is one of his friends that came and spoke to Job Kent.

Thou by searching, find out God cant thou find out the almighty unto perfection. It is as high as heaven. What can't thou do deeper than hell What can't thou know It's an amazing text. 'cause in one sense it it describes that God is incomprehensible, but in a whole nother text, especially in view of Christ being in the presence of God, leaving heaven's glory to come to earth, dying on the cross, being buried and being buried and and going to the, the heart of the earth and yet rising again from the dead, is that the primary way in fact that we know the God of the Bible is through his son. The Lord Jesus Christ is Christ who declares and reveals the Father. So in another sense, the God of the Bible, he is true, but yet he himself can only reveal that which is about himself. And what he reveals of himself is true. It is true. Now, the very first feature and characteristic I wanna look at is that God, the God of the Bible is the creator. Come with me to Romans chapter one, Romans chapter one, and we're gonna look at verse 16,

Romans chapter one And look at verse 16. The apostle Paul writes, for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God and the salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as is written, the just shall live by faith, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all and godliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness here we find that man holds the truth of God in unrighteousness, but that truth of God is manifest. Look what he says in verse 19, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead so that they're without excuse.

We see in this text the truth of God. We see the truth that he is the creator and in fact the invisible things of God are clearly seen by what he created, by what he made. Two of those things are mentioned, his eternal power and his godhead eternal power. He is self-sufficient. He is not dependent. He is sourceful, not resourceful, although he is that he is sourceful, he is full of being the source of all things, giving life to all things He gives life. He gives substance, he gives light, he gives all that we see around us. And then Godhead, he is the authority. All the other so-called Gods lowercase G. And creatures are actually created beings, created creatures of God who have rebelled and want to be like God. But he is the Godhead. He is above all others. He's the authority. Now this is made manifest through the testimony of scripture.

And again, all of this is in view of him creating. Now let's come back to the creation count back in Genesis. Genesis chapter one, as you turn to Genesis chapter one, and we look at verse one. What I want you to keep in mind is that God being creator is not something that's unique to Christianity. It's not something unique to the Bible. There's other holy books and other religions that claim that there God is the creator. And although this point must be understood and this featuring characteristic because that is what characterizes God. And what we first need to understand is that when we see God as creator, we must understand that God is triune, he's triune, which is the second feature and characteristic that we'll look. And so we'll see them together here. Look in Genesis chapter one and verse one. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.

Notice there that we see God and he creates, in the beginning, God created the heaven and earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the who, spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. So we not only see God, but we also see that in the beginning there was the spirit of God there as well. Now not only was God there and the spirit of God there, but look at verse three. Now remember John chapter one, what we just looked at in the beginning was the word capital. W the word when God spoke, that's the word. That's Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus Christ made, as we saw in Hebrews chapter one, he made the worlds. So he says, here, look at verse three. And God said, he spoke, there's words and God said, let there be light.

And there was light. So we see in the first two verses, God, the Spirit of God and the word of God. We see that God is triune and therefore it is in that sense and properly understood, that God is holy. There's no other God like him. All other gods claim to be singular. God is triune. He is ing singular in essence. Three in person come, come down in the same chapter, the verse 26, Genesis chapter one, verse 26, and God, and God said, let us, well, who's the us The US is already in the context in first two verses, God, the Spirit of God and the word of God. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, they were all there in the beginning and they were all involved in creation. Thus they say, let us make man in our image.

All are involved in the making of man. All are involved in the making of creation. So we see that God is creator, but as creator, we see them at the beginning that he is one God in three persons. Deuteronomy chapter six, verse four talks about that our, our Lord is one Lord. Isaiah chapter 43 in verse 15 describes the holy one of Israel. And so we see that he is one God, one in essence, but three in person. His essence is primary. It's that which is similar amongst the Godhead. It's where they are unified, what makes them singular, what makes them one. However, when three in persons is the issue of their substance, it's the issue of that, that which is secondary. That which they are dissimilar, that which they're diversified. But that's the order in which they're to be understood. One in essence, three in persons, one God, three persons.

And this is again, what, distinguishes God from all other gods. And this becomes a very important factor as we go down and look at other features and characteristics of God. Now we, before we move to the third point, there's many passages in the scripture that in involve the Godhead, when the Lord Jesus Christ is being water baptized, the Father speaks from heaven. This is my beloved son in whom he is well pleased and who comes upon the Lord Jesus Christ as a dove, the spirit of God, right You also have other texts, first Peter chapter one in verse two and two Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14, that, combine the Father to the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now come with me to Isaiah chapter six and let's look at our third feature of the God of the Bible. He is creator and as creator, he is triune and in view of being triune, the God of the Bible is holy, holy, holy.

The God of the Bible is holy, holy, holy. Just pick it up here, Isaiah. It has a vision of God. And look at verse three. He's talking about the, the the seraphims flying and what they speak, what they cry. Isaiah six verse three and one cried onto another and said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth. 'cause he's the creator of earth. The whole earth is full of his glory. There's another passage over there in Revelation chapter four, verses seven through 11 that echo the same thing and describe that they sing those things in view of what he created. He created all things for his pleasure. He is the creator. He's a triune God and therefore he is holy, holy, holy. The fourth feature of God, the God of the Bible is good. The God of the Bible is good. Come back with me to Exodus chapter 34,

Genesis, Exodus chapter 34. Moses has encountered God. He has seen and heard and experienced some features and characteristics of God, his character, and in view of some actions and decisions that God is making. Moses asks to see, to for God, to show him his glory. And when God shows him his glory and it passes by him, this is what happens Chapter 34 and verse six. And the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious long suffering and abundant in what In goodness and truth. Look at one more text with me. Ephesians chapter five, Ephesians chapter five,

Ephesians chapter five. Again, we know that God is the triune God and we need to understand the God of the Bible that way. So in view of God, here we're gonna see the spirit. Look at verse nine of Ephesians five, for the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. The fruit of the spirit is in all goodness because God is good, he's the creator, he's the triune God. He's holy, holy, holy. And he is good. The fifth feature of the God of the Bible is that he is love. Come with me to first John chapter four, first John, chapter four, first John chapter four, and we're gonna look at verse eight.

It says, he that loveth, not knoweth not God. For God is love. Not that God generates love, he is love. In fact, the only God that has rightful claim of this is the triune God. Because all other gods singular cannot have rightful claim on love. For they are singular. But among the triune Godhead, one essence, three in persons, there is relationship. There is selflessness that can be dispensed and be shown to one another and to be shared amongst one another. And that actually overflows to his creatures, to man to us. And it is in truth, in view of God being holy, holy, holy and man not being holy because of sin. Then the very same, in in another feature of God that God is love, it's his love. That is the remedy for men coming short of the glory of God, coming short of his holiness because he's good and he is love. The last feature that we're gonna examine is that the God of the Bible is a saving God. Come with me to Romans chapter five, Romans chapter five. He is creator, he is triune, he is holy, holy, holy. He is good, he is love, and he is a saving God. Romans chapter five, and look at verse eight.

But God commendeth his love toward us in that wow. Yet sinners, Christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood. We shall be saved from wrath through him. God commended his love in that Christ died for us so that we could be saved from the wages of our sin, that we could be pardoned from our guilt and from the debt and penalty of our sin, which is eternal separation from God. That is what death really is, being separated from God for all eternity. Look at one more passage with me in view of God as a saving God. Look at first Timothy chapter one, first Timothy chapter one,

And look at verse four. It's jumping right into the sentence here. So we'll start at actually the sentence starts in verse three. So we'll start in verse three. First Timothy, I said chapter one. I actually want chapter two first, Tim Timothy chapter two and verse three, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our Savior, who will have all men to be saved and to come onto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time. Those last two texts that we looked at have something in common when we look at the God of the Bible and that God is a saving God. And that is He saves through himself. He saves through his son the Lord Jesus Christ.

Salvation from the dentin penalty of your sin is only found in Jesus Christ. And what he did for you is that he died on the cross to pay the dentin penalty of your sin. He was buried and rose again, victorious over sin and death so that you might be justified. And the way in which you are declared righteous before God in his sight unto eternal life is by believing in what Christ did for you. 'cause he rose again the third day to offer that to you. And when you receive it by faith and faith alone, you in God's sight are declared righteous. Not by your own merit, not by your own works, but by the merit of Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And it is this Jesus Christ who will continue to learn about and lessons to come until then. Look up.

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